Evacuation Drill – Emergency Evacuation Procedures

As part of local, state and federal regulations, businesses are required to be prepared for prompt evacuation in the event of a fire, earthquake or flood.  Spills of hazardous materials, when a threat to human life, may also require evacuation of the facility.  The objective of this memo is to assist the dealership in conducting an evacuation drill as part of emergency preparedness.

A good evacuation will require the coordination of the Departmental Managers and cooperation of each employee at the facility.  To complete safe and prompt evacuation drills, information is attached as follows:

  1. Evacuation Drill Preparedness for Managers:  The managers must read and understand every step involved in the drill as listed in this memo.  When a real evacuation is to be done, there will not be much time to think.  So managers must understand their responsibility and understand that the success of the drill depends on their execution.
  2. Memo & Evacuation Map (on Notice Board) to Employees Prior to the Drill:  Employees must receive this memo in advance as part of drill preparedness as well.  Request your employees to read the memo and understand the location of the evacuation point on the map posted on the Notice Board.  As most dealerships are laid out simply, the route to the evacuation point is straightforward.  Verbally tell the employees if the communication will be verbal or through a bullhorn.  Note: the phone system or the PA system may be out in the event of an electrical outage. Note: If you need a copy of your evacuation map, please email support@cellyservices.com.
  3. Drill Record/Comment Form:  Document the drill and attendees.  Make the drill a part of your learning process.  By giving the comment form to employees, you will empower them to have a say in future (or actual) evacuations.  Secondly, comments by employees, which may be incorporated in future drills, can improve your drills. 

Visitors at the facility may also need assistance to the evacuation assembly area.  A senior Manger must go to the customer lounge, inform the customers that this is an evacuation drill and lead them outside.  When they are at a point that is sufficiently away from the building, where no building glass or objects in the event of a real earthquake/fire may hurt them, you may lead them back.  Customers will appreciate you thinking of their safety rather than thinking it’s a nuisance. 

The drill should require an account of all employees at the evacuation assembly area.  A log should be available to account for employees.  An employee can return to his/her job location only after a head count is complete and approval for return has been granted.  If possible, provide a soda and a cookie to each employee signing the logbook.  This may sound cute but works like a charm, especially to those ruffled feathers!!!  Encl.: Evacuation Drill Preparedness for Managers, Evacuation Memo for Employees, Fire Evacuation Drill Record/Comment Form, & Emergency Action Plan & Evacuation Procedures

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